Wednesday, July 23, 2008



If you just discovered this blog site, I highly recommend you scroll alllllllllll the way down to the bottom of the page and start with "Day 1." Work your way back up, "Day 2," "Day 3," etc...

Thanks for reading. Your comments are welcome.

Peace, Joy, Love,



Anonymous said...


I finally found the time to finish this about 10 minutes ago. You are an absolutely fabulous writer. Somewhere I read that LtCol Doolittle of WWII fame (Doolittle's Raiders) said that "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Your Dad volunteered his entire life to helping others in any form he could. You can be sure that he is proud of you and reading this has made me understand just how great of a daughter you have been for the last 57 years....and counting.



Unknown said...


Made it through all 50, but did not follow the directions (I read backwards) - I enjoyed hearing the story unfold in reverse as the pieces fell into place.

You are a gifted writer and have offered a unique and open look into your family and your heart. It is helpful to me as I am experiencing, and am being with others as they experience, similar life changes. Thank you.


... I am now all the more eager to see how your patio garden has shaped up this season.

Unknown said...

Cheryl was reading this again and thinking of you and your family with prayers.
Sarah L